Mega Ace Fun Begins | Join 49JILI Casino Now!

Mega Ace Fun - Spin to Win Today

Dive into the world of Mega Ace, a classic online casino game crafted by JILI Slot Games’ experts. This card-themed slot boasts original illustrations, lively animations, and a unique backdrop for an exciting gaming adventure.

One of Mega Ace’s highlights is its easy-to-trigger free spin bonus game. Simply gather 3 scatter symbols, and you’re in for free gameplay packed with added excitement, featuring a potential maximum 1500X bonus.

Mega Ace presents 5 reels and an impressive 46,656 ways to play, providing a fresh gaming perspective. With familiar playing card suits and classic symbols like Jack, Queen, King, and Ace, it promises a unique and engaging gaming experience. Get ready for an unparalleled gaming journey!

Mega Ace Basics – Jili’s Quick Start Guide

Mega Ace Basics - Jili's Quick Start Guide
  1. Discover 46,656 Ways to Win a Prize!
  2. Match 3 or more symbols in a row, starting from the left reel, to win a prize.
  3. Winning symbols change to new ones after each win, giving you more winning opportunities.
  4. Your total score is calculated when no more prizes can be won.
  5. Regular bet wins are calculated by multiplying your bet by the odds.
  6. Extra Bet points are determined by multiplying the base bet by the odds.
  7. Errors preventing the system from determining the game result mean the game won’t count.

Mega Ace Excitement – Features for Every Spin

Mega Ace Excitement - Features for Every Spin

Golden Card

  • Golden Cards appear on reels two through five exclusively.
  • Matching a ‘Golden Card’ transforms it into a Joker symbol.
  • Both Golden Cards and regular cards act as identical symbols, offering rewards when matched.


In this game, you’ll encounter two Joker types: “Greater Jokers” and “Lesser Jokers.”

  • The Joker Cards function as Wild symbols, allowing them to replace any symbol except the Scatter. 
  • Lesser Jokers emerge solely when you successfully match Golden Cards. 
  • Greater Jokers come into play when you match “Lesser Jokers.” 
  • When a “Greater Joker” is active, it randomly changes the symbols on the board to “single Lesser Jokers,” with the quantity determined by the size of the original symbol.

Match Multiplier

  • In regular games, the Match Multiplier is displayed as x1, x2, x3, x4, and x5. 
  • Your prize gets multiplied by this number when you match symbols and win. 
  • The initial attempt in each spin starts at x1. 
  • Winning a prize on the first try increases the multiplier to x2 for the second attempt. 
  • If you win on the second try, the third attempt’s multiplier becomes x3, and so on.
  • Winning on the fifth try or later sets the multiplier at x5. 
  • When you don’t win, the multiplier resets to x1 for the next spin.

Free Game

  • Collect three scatter symbols to earn 10 free games, and receive an extra two free games for each additional scatter gathered. 
  • During free games, the Match Multiplier doubles, featuring values of “x2, x4, x6, x8, and x10.” 
  • This multiplier operates similarly to the regular game multiplier, but with values twice as large. 
  • If you gather three more scatter symbols while in free games, you’ll be granted an additional 5 free games.

Extra Bets

  • To enable extra bets, add an extra 50% to your initial bet, allowing you to activate this option. 
  • When playing with extra bets, the Extra Bet Mode Win Points are calculated by multiplying your base bet by the odds. 
  • In regular games, the Match Multiplier is elevated to “x2, x3, x4, and x5,” initiating your first attempt in each spin at x2. 
  • During free games, the Match Multiplier is further increased to “x4, x6, x8, and x10,” setting your first attempt in each spin at x4.

Unlocking the Odds in Mega Ace

Mega Ace Paytable

Strategies for Success in Mega Ace by Jili

Strategies for Success in Mega Ace by Jili

Learn the Game Rules

Before diving in, grasp the game’s mechanics, symbols, special features, and paytable.

Manage Your Budget

Set a budget and stick to it. Wager an amount within your comfort zone.

Try Free Play Mode

Utilize practice modes offered by online casinos to familiarize yourself with the game without risking real money.

Consider Extra Bet

Explore the Extra Bet option for increased multipliers and the potential for larger wins.

Watch the Match Multiplier

Keep an eye on the Match Multiplier as it significantly impacts your winnings. Aim for higher multipliers with consecutive wins.

Stay Patient

Since Mega Ace relies on luck, maintain patience and avoid chasing losses. Take a break if needed.

Gather Scatters for Free Games

Collect Scatter symbols to trigger the free games feature, potentially leading to substantial winnings.

Gamble Responsibly

Ensure gambling remains enjoyable. If stress arises or you find yourself chasing losses, take a break.

Stay Updated

Be aware of promotions or bonuses from the casino to enhance your gaming experience.

Enjoy the Game

Remember, playing slot games like Mega Ace is meant to be enjoyable. Have fun and savor the entertainment it brings.


Collect three scatter symbols to activate 10 free games, with the chance to earn more by gathering additional scatters.

The Match Multiplier influences your winnings. Watch it closely, especially during consecutive wins, as it can lead to higher multipliers.

Yes, the Extra Bet option offers a chance for higher multipliers and potentially larger wins in Mega Ace.

Before you start playing, create a budget for yourself. Only wager an amount you are comfortable losing to ensure responsible gambling.

Many online casinos provide a free play mode, allowing you to learn and get comfortable with Mega Ace without risking real money.


In conclusion, Mega Ace on the 49JILI platform offers an exhilarating slot experience with its unique features, including the Match Multiplier and exciting free games. By understanding the game rules, managing your budget wisely, and exploring strategic options like the Extra Bet, you can enhance your chances of success. Remember to enjoy the game responsibly, stay patient during gameplay, and take advantage of any promotions offered by the casino. With its engaging gameplay and the potential for substantial winnings, Mega Ace provides an entertaining and thrilling slot adventure for players to relish.

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